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If your search suceeded, tap any title next to an arrow below.
➤ The Many Days of Daniel —An interpretation of the days at the end of Daniel (Daniel 12:7-13) which are along similar lines to the days and times in Revelation.
➤ The Number of the Beast (Revelation 13:18) —Who hasn’t heard about 666 the number of the beast —and a lot of rubbish about it too?
➤ One Hope of Heaven (The 144,000) —Examines the question of whether there are two groups of saved with two different hopes. Discusses the 144,000.
➤ David’s Sin and Sorrow —More of David’s adventures, after he became king. However there is a great deal of sadness in this story, mainly as a result of the sin David committed with Basheba, but also other sins such as taking a census to number Israel.
➤ History and Daniel’s Seventy Weeks —More Bible study about the seventy weeks of Daniel chapter 9.
➤ Why Harold Camping’s Prediction Failed —Harold Camping of Family Radio predicted Judgment Day as May 21, 2011. Why was his failed prophecy false? We examine his three blunt tools.
➤ Numerology in the Bible —A discussion and explanation of spurious magical number systems related to Biblical interpretation. Includes discussion of the number of fish (153) in John 21:11.
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